It's been a while...
It's been a very busy time. The preparation for exams mixed with working TWO jobs (both of which I love) has kept me very busy. I'm not the kind of person to sit on his laurels. I like to stay busy. The good news is that I aced my exams. The operating systems class was a cram fest, but the algorithms class was easy. At the moment, I'm still working on personal projects. I'm jumping around here and there just to find something interesting to work on.
I'm still tweaking the Collabrd web application, but I'm going to redesign it from the ground up at this point. I don't like the way I wrote it in Angular, so I might take the time to work on it. It was something I threw together in the span of a weekend anyway, so I didn't expect it to be the most organized thing. I want to do it right this time, so I'm starting over.
I'm also starting to get into Android development. I really want to make an app to solve Sudoku puzzles and Rubik's cubes. I think the Sudoku project will be easier since I actually had a working prototype for the basic solver (brute force recursion) and the image processing algorithms using OpenCV. The missing piece was the digit recognizer to convert the image of digits into stored, digital numbers. I think I will implement a neural network to do this, but I have to learn how to build one first :-P. The Rubik's Cube will be tougher to solve, but the image processing will be easier since there are no digits to recognize. :-)